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 Principal: Mr. B. Blake 

Vice Principal: Ms. T.  Gardiner

Office Admin: Ms. J. Konkle & Ms. D. Tremblay


Thank you for taking time to review the Term 1 report card that went home on February 15th. Staff and students have begun the work of meeting the learning goals for Term 2 and there is lots of interesting and exciting learning happening in classrooms. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the classroom teacher, and set up a time to talk.

This month students will continue to have many opportunities to extend their learning beyond the classroom by participating in junior basketball, intermediate badminton, book club, chess club and French Club opportunities. Our days here are busy so we know students will be looking forward to their spring break - enjoy the time off together and have a safe and happy March Break!

Upcoming dates to remember:

  • March Break- Monday March 11th to Friday March 15th (No School)
  • March 19th - Gr. 6 Trip to Adventure Campus
  • March 20th - Gr. 7 Trip to Adventure Campus
  • March 25th - Round #2 Gr. 7 Immunization Program
  • March 26th - Dental Screening K, 2, 4, 7, 8

 School Parking Lot Safety

Our Parking Lot Gets Extremely Busy Before And After School

Please do not drive in the bus lane

For student safety, please be mindful of the following reminders and requests:

  • Follow the speed limit for school zones and parking lots
  • Follow the directions of staff members
  • Remember the Kiss and Ride area is NOT a parking space
  • Be sure to ONLY park in designated parking spots
  • Always yield to pedestrians and watch for children


Friendly Reminder:

Not all students are comfortable around animals, no matter how friendly they might be. In order to support these students, and remain compliant with the City of St. Catharines by-laws, we are asking parents/guardians to keep dogs on a leash at all times when picking up and dropping off your children. 

We appreciate your support in keeping Oakridge a safe and comfortable place for all students.

Information Update 

We remind you that it is important to keep the office updated with regards to any new information or changes to the information we have on file for your child. This may include new phone numbers, change of address, medical information, custody orders etc. 

Safe Arrival

Please remember to report your child's absence using the SAFEARRIVAL portal. With the office being a very busy place, you can also put in an EARLY DEPARTURE. This will allow us to have your child ready and at the office for the time you have selected. Often when parents call at the last minute, it may be difficult to get students down at the office due to the large number of calls. Advanced planning will be extremely helpful.  Unable to use the app?  Please call the safe Arrival phone line at 1-866-606-556


Oakridge Chess Club has been meeting each week in February for grades 3 to 8.  Lots of competitive games and learning some new strategy happens each and every session. Our club will be ending soon so we thank all the players who came out and played. 

The top few students in each grade will be invited to be part of Team Oakridge in April when we are invited to attend our area Chess Challenge.  Mrs. Hanna and Mr. Hanna will be contacting those students and families in the near future.  Good Luck Eagles! 

Mr. Hanna and Mrs. Hanna

Badminton: These past few weeks have seen lots of birdies flying around the Oakridge gym.  The team is open to all grade 7 and 8's and there are over 50 students trying out right now for a place on our team. It is great to see so many students coming out and being active while trying to improve their badminton game skills.  The team will be finalized later in March so we can get ready for tournament play in April. 

Mr. Hanna

Did you miss the Grade 8 Grad photos or would you like a retake?

Edge Imaging will be at Parnall PS in St. Catharines on Wednesday March 6, 2024 or at Westdale PS April 3, 2024.  Oakridge photos will take place at 8:30 am sharp on these days and no appointments are necessary!

Dental Screening 

Niagara Region Public Health Dental Program will be offering Dental screening to grades JK, SK, 2, 4, 7 and 8 on  March 26 and 27, 2024. A registered dental hygienist will take a quick look in the child's mouth using a sterilized mirror and light. Staff will be wearing a mask, eye protection, gloves and performing hand hygiene between each student.

The Healthy Smiles Ontario program may financially assist children who do not have access to dental care.

If you do not want your child(ren) to take part in the dental screening, you MUST complete the online School Dental Screening Nonparticipation Form or call the Dental Health Line at 905-688-8248 or 1-888-505-6074 ext. 7399 each school year.

If your child(ren) is not in one of the grades listed above, they may have the opportunity to participate in the dental screening. If you would like your child to be screened, please complete the School Dental Participation Form.

The Terry Fox Foundation 

Thank you for your generous donations to the 2023 Terry Fox School Run.  As a School community we collectively raised $1400.00 for cancer research. Your generous donations go towards making a difference in the lives of cancer patients and their families across Canada. Thank you! 

                             Grade 8 Robotics Champions!!!

After a month of practice, our intermediate Lego Robotics Team finally got a chance to go to the DSBN area challenge.  The team did very well in all 4 events earning almost top points in each event.  In the end the team placed first in the Robotic Archery event for a gold medal and also a second gold medal for finishing as the overall Champion!  The winning trophy is proudly displayed in the hallway by the gym.  Congratulations to Violeta, Logan, Kiana, and Serena for their great teamwork and programming.  The team now advanced to the DSBN Robotics Supernight to compete against other top teams.....Go  Eagles!

Some of the classes at Oakridge enjoy learning leadership and collaboration skills through working with their Reading Buddies. For Valentine’s Day, some of the students created Valentine’s cards with their buddies.


I    Rankin T -Shirt Designs

Youth Counsellor’s Corner

This Month more Social Emotional Learning has been taking place here at Oakridge.  Much time has been spent in classrooms learning about empathy and kindness leading up to Pink Shirt Day/Wear anything pink day 0n February 28th.  In 2012, the United Nations declared May 4 as Anti-Bullying Day, and now the last Wednesday each February is Canada's national Pink Shirt/anti-bullying day. Many countries now recognize specific days for raising awareness about the prevention of bullying and promoting kindness and inclusion. As always we have other programs running in classes as well.  They include:

 The Compassion Project: This program focuses on learning about friendship, kindness, empathy, compassion and mindfulness through interactive videos/stories.  It focuses on primary and some junior grades.

 Merrell’s Strong Kids: Merrell’s has versions of its program for students from Kindergarten to grade 12.  Merrell’s is carefully designed through research to prevent the development of mental health difficulties and promote social and emotional wellness among children and adolescents.  It specifically targets the prevention of internalizing emotional problems to promote social and emotional resilience.   Topics include, gaining a better understanding of one’s own emotions, understanding other people’s emotions, empathy, dealing with anger, clear thinking, solving people problems and conflicts, dealing with stress, positive living and creating SMART goals.

 Zones of Regulation: Zones is a program used to teach self-regulation in Kindergarten and Primary grades by categorizing different feelings and states of alertness and stimulation into four specific coloured zones.  The Zones framework provides strategies to teach students to become more aware of and independent in controlling their emotions and impulses, manage their sensory needs and problem solve.  There are four Zones.  The Green Zone is when we are Happy and go to go.  Blue Zone is when we are running too slowly and are sad, sick, tired or bored.  The Yellow Zone is when our bodies are running too fast and we are excited, frustrated, nervous or worried.  The Red Zone is when our bodies and minds are losing control.  In this Zone we are mad and can be aggressive, mean or defiant.

 Everfi- Ignition: Everfi-Ignition is a program primarily used in the junior grades.  Everfi-Ignition is an engaging self paced digital based program that addresses on-line wellness and safety.  Topics include connections and community, on-line  safety and privacy, screen time vs offline time, Technology and data (our digital footprint), our rights and literacy on-line and evaluating content when looking for accurate information.

From  Mr. Sentance

Intermediate Girls Basketball

The 2024 Intermediate Girls Basketball Team enjoyed a great season this year.  The team went 5-2 in the regular season and finished in 3rd place overall.

The girls qualified for the DSBN Basketball Tournament on February 22nd, and played extremely well throughout the day.  They finished the tournament 3-2, and finished in 3rd place in their pool, losing only to the two top teams at the tournament.

Congratulations on a great season girls!

Team members: Layla R, Lauren L, Venice T, Sofia C, Kamila D, Autumn B, Mr. White, Rowan M, Mazie Q

Intermediate Boys Basketball

The intermediate boys basketball team wrapped up a highly successful season. The boys began practicing in December, and throughout the season, grew as teammates and basketball players. The team went through the season with an undefeated 7-0 record. They beat Ferndale 51-32 in the semi-finals and wrapped up the St. Catharines Tier 1 championships with a convincing 41-27 victory over Grapeview.

Although the Brock tournament didn't go the way everyone hoped, the boys should be proud of the hard work they put in, and an excellent season.

Congratulations on a great season boys!

Team members: Yousif M, Liam B, Owen D, Oliver S, Phillip O, Samuel A, Silas D, Davis F, Willem H, Liam C, Mr. Bradman- Missing from picture: Maddox H & Deagen H

    Building Wind Turbines!!

Ms. Vaughan’s class

Wind Turbines in Ms. Vaughan’s class!

STEM Challenge

Food Chain Survivor Game

Ms. Vaughan and Ms. Villeseche

Food Chain Survivor Game

Makey Makey Coding with Grade One Buddies

Ms. Vaughan and Mrs. Kennedy’s classes

        More coding fun with our friends!

Meaning of Home

Some of the Grade 5 students at Oakridge took part in The Meaning of Home contest through Habitat for Humanity. The students were asked to write about what “home” means to them in  50-400 words. Here are a few of the entries. A sponsor donated $10 to Habitat for Humanity for each entry that was received, meaning about $200 was donated on behalf of Oakridge students.


Home is a place where I feel safe and secure,

It’s not just a house, it is so much more.

Home is my dog, fluffy and cute,

Home’s my kitchen with veggies and fruit.

Home is my Opa, happy and OLD,

Home is brother, brave and bold.

Home is a place where we make mistakes, 

Home is a place where we bake cakes.

Home is a place where everyone has love,

It’s a place for safety with a roof above.

Habitat For Humanity is the nicest of all,

Building homes for people starts with something small.


The Meaning of Home      


Being from The Bahamas, I often find myself saying that I miss home. Whenever I have those thoughts, I’m not thinking about a place but more so about my friends and family members that I left behind. I miss seeing them everyday and having fun with them, especially my best friend Terrence who lived right next door to me. I miss him coming over and knocking on my window so that we could go outside and play. I also think about the food I used to eat, like

 conch salad and daiquiri, two of my favorite treats that my parents would get me on the weekends.      ( Continued...)

I miss the warmth of the sun on my face when I go outside, and going to the beach to cool off from that very sun that sometimes overheats my body.  I miss my godparents and my many, MANY cousins. I miss my aunts, my uncles, all of them.


   So, to conclude all things that have been stated, the meaning of home to me, is not really a physical building or a country but a place of familiarity.  Being with people that I grew up with and saw almost everyday. A place where I could close my eyes and know exactly where I am going. Somewhere that I knew about all my life and was able to identify with because it was all that I knew. It is a place that I feel safe and loved. 


Home Sweet Home

Home doesn’t have to be,

What people on the outside see.

It doesn’t have to look nice,

‘Cause the place you love gives back twice.

Whether it’s an apartment on the second floor,

Or a family waiting at the door.

Whether it’s a home on the countryside, 

Or a beautiful cottage at low tide.

Your home isn’t just a place to go,

It’s also a place where love and kindness flow.

If you ever need a kind embrace,

Or ever need tears wiped from your face.

Come home to family and friends,

Who will love you to the very end.

Come Home.


Lost and Found

Are your children missing hats, gloves, or other items? Have them look in the lost & found located on the first floor near the Kindergarten room and stairwell.  Parents, if you can please label items for your child.

Indoor Shoes Reminder 

As the winter weather is upon us, we would ask that students bring a pair of indoor shoes to leave at school. Wet and dirty boots or outdoor shoes create safety concerns in the classrooms and gym.

School Cash Online 

We are pleased to provide families with an opportunity to pay for school services, products, or events online.  Registration should take less than five minutes and can be done by clicking the 

link below. You are able to make secure payments from the comfort of your home.

 School Cash Online

Please keep in mind that there are no refunds after a payment has been made. We are happy to give your child’s order to another student or if you would like to pick it up please call the school office and schedule a time.    


Sharing some exciting news! We will be refreshing our school website this month. There are three main reasons for refreshing our website:

  • The first is that our new site will meet accessibility standards. The current version, unfortunately, does not.
  •   The second is that the newly designed site is mobile-friendly - making it easier to view updates and information from your phone.
  • Third, we've streamlined the website making it easier to find what you need quickly and easily. Check it out at:


The Niagara Region is growing more diverse in creed and or religious beliefs and practices. The District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) is committed to fostering diverse and inclusive learning and working environments that promote acceptance and protect individuals from discrimination and harassment based on the protected grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code. Creed and/or religion is one of the grounds that is both an individual right and a collective responsibility.

The DSBN recognizes and embraces the creed diversity represented in its students, staff and community members. 

March is Bangladeshi Heritage Month and Irish Heritage Month

March 1st

Ala begins (19 Days of Fasting Mar. 1 -19)

March 8th

International Women’s Day

March 10th

Harriet Tubman Day and Ramadan* begins (Mar. 10 - Apr. 9)

March 11th

Saka New Year

March 17th

Irish Heritage Day

March 18th

Clean Monday (Nyepi)

March 19th

Nowruz (Nawruz,Novrus,Navruz) and Spring Equinox or Ostara

March 20th

Naw-Ruz Baha’i New Year

March 21st

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and World Down Syndrome Day

March 22nd

World Water Day

March 23rd

World Atheist Day

March 24th


March 25th

Holi* and Feast of the Annunciation

March 29th 

Good Friday

March 31st

Easter Sunday, Trans Day of Visibility and National Indigenous Languages Day

*Denotes Days of Significance/Holy Days that begin the evening before the indicated date


Lunch Deliveries

If you are dropping off a lunch or having one delivered to the school, please have your child's first and last name clearly labeled on the package. Please make sure delivery services have the student's name when dropping off lunches. Also, please verify in your SchoolCashOnline portal that you ordered lunches on our Specialty Food Days. We do not order extras and will not have additional food in case your child doesn't have lunch.

Also, some of our students have life threatening allergies to nuts and nut products. When you are packing your child’s food for nutrition breaks, please take extra care to ensure that the foods are nut-free. Help us to ensure the health and safety of all our students.


Nutrition Break times are as follows:

Break times

Grade 1-4

Grade 5-8

10:40 am-11:00 am

Nutrition Break


11:00 am-11:20 am


Nutrition Break


Nutrition Break




Nutrition Break

Student Transportation Cancellation Decision

NSTS makes the final decision for student transportation cancellations after consultation with service providers and municipal partners. NSTS considers the actual weather conditions, the forecasted weather and impact or projected impact on road conditions during the peak student transportation windows. After consultations, NSTS evaluates the ability of the student transportation system to operate safely and reliably to school, and home from school, and makes the decision to operate with delays to drive according to the road and weather conditions or to cancel partial or full operations for the school day.

For the detailed procedure and information for student transportation inclement weather decision-making CLICK HERE

School Closure Decision & School Board Procedure

The school board's Director of Education makes the decision to close schools. School closure information is announced using the same channels and socials as student transportation cancellations.  For DSBN's Inclement Weather Information CLICK HERE

Please note that parents and/or guardians make the final decision on whether or not to send their child to the bus stop and/or school in inclement weather conditions.

Inclement Weather Service Disruption Overview 

 There may be times during the school year where it may be necessary to cancel student transportation due to adverse weather conditions.

 Every attempt is made to provide the public with information on student transportation cancellations by 6:00 a.m. The announcement will be posted on DSBN, Niagara Catholic and NSTS websites and socials. Local radio and television stations are also notified to disseminate this information to the public.

Niagara Student Transportation Services  Bus running late?  Questions about eligibility? Check the parent portal for the most up to date information on your child's bus.  

NSTS- Parent Port